Sunday, October 12, 2008


so i learned something at church this morning that i just had to share. well i actually didn't learn it, i really already knew it. i had just never put it this particular context before. here goes:

jesus will not intrude on your problems. huh. you have to actually ask him for help. it takes effort. wow.

so many times we forget that even tho we give our life to the lord, we still have a role to play. or at least i do. forget that is. i often find myself all wound up in life and the troubles, or as i like to call them- crap storms, that it seems to always throw my way. then i am all defeated and wondering why god hasn't helped me. duh. i didn't ask him to. lol. i joke because it seriously sounds funny to me. but it is so true. i can't expect god to get me out a a situation if i never ask him to. sounds pretty simple.

i have always heard how god is a gentleman and he won't force himself on you. but i have never heard it put quite like that before. i loved it. i love when my little light bulb goes off and i finally learn something. i am a very slow learner. lol. it takes me so long to finally 'get' it. so i tend to get overly excited when i finally do.

in other news:
i am trying to decide how to fix up my trunk for trunk or treat at church. im thinking about a 50's theme. i ask my youngest daughter is she would be sandy with me. you know a 'good' sandy and a 'bad' sandy. but im not sure yet. my oldest daughter wants to be cat woman. well she is only ten. but i think as long as i make her costume we can pull it off without it looking sleazy. because if not, she is going to have to pick something else.

o also im not sure if i have mentioned that i am attending 'wife class' at my church on thursday nights. i am loving it. i had no idea what god's idea of a wife was. it is great. btw- its technically called 'a heart that makes a home' not 'wife class'. lol. but most of us there prefer 'wife class'.

ok i guess thats all for now. be blessed. =]]

1 comment:

I Believe said...

onappeWell, I finally took the time to investigate this new land of ours. I think your journal is beautiful. I have a lot of things at church I enjoy too. Keep blogging and keep your eyes on HIM.