Sunday, October 12, 2008


so i learned something at church this morning that i just had to share. well i actually didn't learn it, i really already knew it. i had just never put it this particular context before. here goes:

jesus will not intrude on your problems. huh. you have to actually ask him for help. it takes effort. wow.

so many times we forget that even tho we give our life to the lord, we still have a role to play. or at least i do. forget that is. i often find myself all wound up in life and the troubles, or as i like to call them- crap storms, that it seems to always throw my way. then i am all defeated and wondering why god hasn't helped me. duh. i didn't ask him to. lol. i joke because it seriously sounds funny to me. but it is so true. i can't expect god to get me out a a situation if i never ask him to. sounds pretty simple.

i have always heard how god is a gentleman and he won't force himself on you. but i have never heard it put quite like that before. i loved it. i love when my little light bulb goes off and i finally learn something. i am a very slow learner. lol. it takes me so long to finally 'get' it. so i tend to get overly excited when i finally do.

in other news:
i am trying to decide how to fix up my trunk for trunk or treat at church. im thinking about a 50's theme. i ask my youngest daughter is she would be sandy with me. you know a 'good' sandy and a 'bad' sandy. but im not sure yet. my oldest daughter wants to be cat woman. well she is only ten. but i think as long as i make her costume we can pull it off without it looking sleazy. because if not, she is going to have to pick something else.

o also im not sure if i have mentioned that i am attending 'wife class' at my church on thursday nights. i am loving it. i had no idea what god's idea of a wife was. it is great. btw- its technically called 'a heart that makes a home' not 'wife class'. lol. but most of us there prefer 'wife class'.

ok i guess thats all for now. be blessed. =]]

Saturday, October 11, 2008


ok. so this blogging thing has proven to be allot harder than it looks. lol. you think you have tons to say and then....blah. i mean i have allot on my mind but it is kinda random. you know not really on any certain topic. but i figure randomness is better than nothing. right? so here goes:

i just learned about the 17 teenagers that all planned to get pregnant together yesterday. o boy. can you imagine wanting to feel like you are a part of something so bad that you have to be a part of a pregnancy scheme? my heart breaks for them. and i truly hope that everything works out for them. i know what it is like to have a baby as a teenager and it is so hard. matter of a fact it is still hard ten years later. but im sure it will work out for them. but good lord. you have to kinda wonder about their parents. and even their town. its not like it was just one or two close friends. 17. that's allot.

also, i am thinking allot about jon and kate gosslin today. i swear that woman is my hero. i know. allot of people can't stand her. but goodness. if we had to take care of eight kids we would be grouchy sometimes too. and if truth be told we are all mean to our husbands. lord if someone was recording me all day, nobody would like me. lmbo. especially my in laws. ha. they would be begging my husband to divorce me. lol. and there are probably days when he thinks about it. but after ten long years and two kids, i think we are going to make it. but man, it is hard.

you grow up thinking that one day you are just going to fall in love and live happily ever after. ha. then you get married and think: what in the crap was i thinking. or at least i did. i hated it. and it took me a couple of years to realise that it (love) is something that you have to work at everyday. it is so not something that just happens. and it is real hard. but it is worth it.

and looking back... i wouldn't take anything for it. of course there are days that i could just kill my husband. granted he is a man. so that should be enough said. right. but i guess everyone has those days. you know when he is being an absolute butt. however i have those days too. like today for instance. i have been so aggravated. for no apparent reason. i have just been mad.

i woke up in a pretty good mood. which is kinda rare for me. i usually hate waking up. lol. but not today. i was happy when i got up. then i had to make a run for the bank because i had to work over yesterday. ugh. only to realise that my bank is not even open on saturdays. go figure. but really. i thought every bank in the world was open on saturday. then i had to miss my cousins baby shower because my oldest daughter and husband are sick. of course she had the baby a few days ago. (early) but i still wanted to go. i was looking forward to getting my hands on the baby. i swear having my tubes tied was the dumbest thing i have ever done. like i could afford to have another one. but still. i guess it falls into the whole 'grass being greener' thing.

well i guess i have rambled long enough. lol. as you have no doubt noticed i do not like to capitalize my letters where i am suppose to. i do hope this is not an issue for anyone who chooses to read my post. for whatever reason i just hate to use my shift key. i think it is because all my data entry at work auto fixes it for me. so i have never had to use it. just thought you guys should know. lol.

i hope everyone has a great day. =]]

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Hello. And thanks for checking out my blog.

I am just a small town girl with big ole opinions. I love to talk. In fact I am always talking and wanting to share my opinions. So I thought this would be the best way to 'share' my thoughts. Lord knows my husband will be thankful that I am giving him a break. lol.

I'm a Christian. I am pretty opinionated about my beliefs. Now that being said- I should also mention that I am also very set on the whole 'work out your own salvation' thing. What I mean to say is that just because I do not agree with the way someone lives their life doesn't mean that I will condemn them, or even think bad of them. Jesus didn't come to condemn and I don't intend to either. (I am big on that too. I hate it when people want to preach you to death when what they need to be doing is praying. lol.) I have two kids (that know everything) and I have been married for ten years. I work for a software company that writes public safety software. And to be honest I am not very enthused about my job anymore. But it pays the bills. (Well most of them anyway. hehee.)

I intend to share my world views with you guys. And by saying that I mean that I am just going to give my opinions on whatever happens to be on my mind.

Now just because I have lots of opinions already formed doesn't mean I'm not opened minded. So your comments are always welcome. Feel free to 'put me in my place' at anytime. lol.

Ok. So I guess that's about all I can think of to tell you guys.

Be Blessed!